Discovering the majestic beauty of the Blue-crowned Trogon in the treetops

Imagine yourself wandering through a lush tropical rainforest, the air thick with humidity and the cacophony of exotic bird calls filling your ears. Suddenly, a flash of vibrant blue catches…

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Meet the Pileated Woodpecker: a master carpenter of the forest

In the wild woodlands of North America, a striking bird with a bold red crest and a resonating drumming call stands out among the trees—the Pileated Woodpecker. With its impressive…

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Behold the dazzling Emerald Starling: a jewel in the avian world!

Prepare to be mesmerized by the radiant beauty of the Emerald Starling, a bird that truly lives up to its name. With its shimmering emerald green feathers and iridescent plumage,…

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The Crowned Pigeon: Exhibiting Astonishing Blue Hues and Sporting a Distinctive Crown, This Bird is Truly Exquisite

The Crowned Pigeon iѕ more thаn juѕt а beаutiful bird – it iѕ аlѕo а fаѕcinаting creаture with а rich culturаl hiѕtory. For centurieѕ, thiѕ bird hаѕ been аn importаnt…

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With its shimmering blue-green plumage and distinctive mohawk, the Palawan Peacock-Pheasant boasts a striking appearance

The Palawan Peacock-Pheaѕant iѕ a truly unique bird, not only for itѕ ѕtriking appearance but alѕo for itѕ ecological importance. aѕ a ground-dwelling bird that inhabitѕ lowland and hill foreѕtѕ,…

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Take a Look, Surprisingly 50 Beautiful Flower Species That Resemble Birds

June 14, 2023 by Kieu Trinh Here are 50 Marvelous Photos of Flower Species That Resemble Birds. Filed Under: Animal

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Learn 40 fascinating facts about hummingbirds and discover how to attract these beautiful birds to your yard

GETTY IMAGES 1 They’re nicknamed “hummers.” A hummer is not only a disconcertingly large personal vehicle seen on the road, but also a colloquial way birders use to refer to…

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Meet the White-Throated Kingfisher – A unique species of kingfisher found in India that is unlike any other you’ve ever seen

The white-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis ) also known as the white-breasted kingfisher is a tree kingfisher, widely distributed in Asia from the Sinai east through the Indian subcontinent to China…

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Meet the “Mutant” Rainbow Lorikeet – A rare bird with her kind and is unquestionably a rare type of bird

June 13, 2023 by Kieu Trinh Filed Under: Animal

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Meet the Stunning Blue-Banded Pitta – A colorful jewel of the forest floor

June 13, 2023 by Kieu Trinh Filed Under: Animal

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